The Five Precepts
So Hum
Just for today...
I will not worry.
I will not anger.
I will be honest in my work.
I will be compassionate with myself
and with all beings.
I will be thankful for my many gifts
and blessings.
The practice:
You may choose to use all five in a given session or choose only one or two for a more specific focus.
Sit quietly with hands up or down on the knees. Breathe deeply here, centering yourself on your breath.
Inale: "Just for today."
Exhale: "I will not..."
So Hum
So: "I am"
Hum: "That" or "All that is"
This mantra connects us with all that is, was and will be. Using this mantra, we can meditate on the interdependence of everything.
For example, a home exists due to those with knowledge of construction. Construction depends on materials. Materials often involve wood, so we have a dependence upon the trees. Who planted the trees? How did the trees grow tall, strong and straight? What provided the replenishing rains and the nourishing soil? And on and on the Universe goes, endless and elegant.
The practice:
Sit quietly in a comfortable position, hands gently resting on the legs. Palms up will encourage gentle awareness, while palms down encourages calmness. Inhaling, repeat "so" and connect to your inner self. Exhale, repeat "hum" and extend out to all that is.
For more information on this mantra and meditation, see the link below.
Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru dayvay Nameh
This mantra is for protection of the heart:
I bow to the primal wisdom. I bow to the wisdom of the ages. I bow to the transparent wisdom within.
Click the link below for music:
Lokaha Samastaha Sukino Bhavantu
Lokaha Samastaha Sukino Bhavantu
Lokaha Samastaha Sukino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
May all beings in the universe be peaceful.
Om, peace, peace, peace.
For musical accompaniment I enjoy "Closing" by Wah! on the album Savasana
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
“I call upon divine wisdom. “
Ong: Creator
Namo: to call upon
Guru: one who bring light and dispels darkness
Dev: transparent of nonphysical
This mantra is chanted with the intention of becoming attuned with the higher self. In this mantra we call upon the chain of teachers and their wisdom to guide us.
(Link below to song by Snatam Kaur)
(Link below to song by Snatam Kaur)